In this study, we showed the timing and connection between a strengthening of the seasonal Gulf Stream, bringing warm, nutrient depleted water masses to the North Atlantic and the final closure of the Central American Seaway at ca. 4.6 million years. Using a multi-proxy approach (TEX86 and UK37') in sediment traps and sediment cores we could highlight the differences in the production of the lipid compounds and the importance of the understanding of seasonality-driven signals down-core.
This study shows that changes in sea level and eustasy across the Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT) caused a restriction of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), leading to a significant cooling in the Indian Ocean.
With the TEX86-derived sea surface temperature and in comparison to other climate proxies, we suggest that long-term changes in the strength of the ITF can have a significant impact on global ocean circulation and regional climate.